About Us
about us
Who we are.
Research, Community, and Organizational Development (RECODA)is a non-Governmental Organization (NGO) rooted strongly in Tanzania. It was established in 2000 to bridge the technology gap in development through research, consultancy, capacity building, and facilitation of community-based projects. In the beginning, RECODA’s main activity was consultancy work carried out for various development organizations engaged in implementing community development projects. Currently, the organization has extended her works into research and development specifically technology transfer to rural farmers.
Our Mission
RECODA’s mission is to bridge the technology gap in poverty reduction initiatives through socio-economic research, community-based programs (CBP), capacity building of CSOs, and provision of consultancy services. In fulfilling her mission, RECODA in collaboration with the Rockwool Foundation (RF) from Denmark developed an Agricultural extension approach called Rural Initiatives for Participatory Agricultural Transformation (RIPAT- www.ripat.org).
The organization envisions a prosperous, strong, sustainable, and enlightened community free of ignorance and poverty.
Core Values
The core values of the organization are Transparency, Accountability, Creativity, and Teamwork (TACT)
The organization aims to make poverty and food insecurity history in Tanzania by ensuring that the poor communities have developed socially and economically sustainable livelihoods that can uphold their living.
Staff & Structure
Currently (2022), RECODA has 30 staff members.
Executive Director.
Executive Director (ED) is the overall leader of the Organization; he is responsible for the employees and project activities. The ED must constantly take time to nurture the organization’s relationship with the local government authorities and other partners. These activities should be supplementary to the local advocacy work carried out by the Programme Leader (PL), the Project Manager (PM), and the Project Officers (POs).
Programme Leader.
The Programme Leader (PL) has overall responsibility for the project(s). An important task for the PL is to educate and guide the PMs and the POs so that they can provide quality training to the groups. Furthermore, the PL has the task of monitoring the progress of all projects and the work of the PMs and POs, upgrading their competencies as necessary, and dismissing any personnel who are not performing well. The PL is fully responsible for the logistics of the procurement of project inputs (seeds, tools, animals), for allocating POs with the right knowledge to the different assignments, and for planning the visits and training sessions in all the groups in the project. He/she conducts training and regular staff meetings with the PMs is responsible for the development and administration of project policies and ensures that all grant requirements are met promptly.
Project Managers (PM).
The PM has the overall day-to-day responsibility for project support and training for the groups in the villages under the individual project. He/she functions as the site manager if the project is operated from a local branch office. The PM coordinates the work of the POs who have been assigned to the project. He/she supervises project activities and personnel, conducts regular (weekly) meetings with the POs, prepares project reports to the PL, administers the local project budget covering, for example, travel and meetings, ensure daily feedback sessions on fieldwork, and liaises with the PL on potential villages for spreading the RIPAT approach, working closely with the local government and extension officers.
Project Officers.
The Project Officers (POs) are the people in direct contact with the participating farmers. Their work is to teach about and give practical training in new farming technologies, and to facilitate participatory learning by the members of the groups established for the project. Having the right personality and attitude is often more important than the person’s educational background and level of qualifications for the POs. Some POs may have university degrees; some may be diploma holders.
RECODA works with small scale farmers to promote improved livelihoods and increased resilience.
What is the challenge? Farming systems for small-scale farmers in many areas of Tanzania are characterized by mixed farming, whereby crops and livestock are produced together. However, the farming system is collapsing due to the population pressure, land degradation, and increased droughts and/or floods due to climate change, leading to unreliable rainfall amounts and patterns. This leads to escalating poverty and food insecurity, whereas the demand for food is going up. Additionally, productivity is very low for many reasons, amongst which is the limited information and knowledge of existing technologies that can enhance agricultural production and heal the severe environmental degradation. Upon production, the markets are limited since the perspective of the market is quite narrow.
Intervention: The implementation of community economic development programs is done using the RIPAT approach (www.ripat.or.tz), where growth of small-scale farmers is mainly through enhanced productivity. Careful community mobilization and sensitization is done to facilitate the communities to identify and utilize locally available resources and opportunities, and this is coupled with the selection of crop and livestock value chains.
The programs are agricultural, with the following components:
Agroecology intensification in crop and livestock production with crop-livestock integration and incorporating environmental regeneration and conservation. Considers the 10 elements of agroecology (FAO, 2014).
Improved crop and livestock production, which embraces climate-smart agriculture (agro-ecological) technologies: intensification, diversification, and integration
Implementation of different value chains for crop and livestock production
Post-harvest management, including value addition, utilization, and processing
Marketing using the Farmer Market School (FMS) approach
RECODA applies the definition by the World Food Summit in 1996: “Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” The definition describes what are known as the four pillars of food security: accessibility (having food purchasing power), food availability (ability to produce food), utilization (eating habits or consumption), and stability (resilience or sustainability) of the availability.
Project designing and implementation
Most projects implemented by the organization apply the RIPAT approach whereby designing of the project starts with undertaking the situation analysis in order to understand the situation before start of project. The projects then consider the food and nutritional security of the communities and also the enhancement of income and this leads to the selection and implementation of a wide range of relevant technologies (basket of options) for crops and livestock production. The projects apply agroecology principles (terrestrials), which ultimately enhance food security and income for smallholder farmers.
The basket of option developed ensures that it takes into consideration the nutritional needs of the communities but also the environmental capacity to support nutrition. Training on nutrition for all project participants is undertaken in order to enhance good health and this includes also, utilization of local foods. Hence, the projects engage in nutrition sensitive agriculture and considering the available resources together with training and demonstration, build the capacity of the community to understand and step-up nutritional security
Agroecology knowledge and how it supports rehabilitation and rejuvenation of the environment, including farmlands, is crucial in dealing with climate change and the environment. Climate change (CC) is very evident now, from the in the year 2010, though the change existed even before but the effects are very pronounced now. It affects production, environment, and income of small-scale farmers. This means that to make the lives of the small-scale farmers sustainable, it is very crucial to ensure the environment can support the communities and their productive activities.
RECODA uses different technologies and interventions to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. One such effort deals with the water supply for production through the construction of water reservoirs for water storage in order to increase the production period. Farmers are trained on different technologies of in situ rainwater harvesting (RWH) such as Zambian (chaka) hoe technology, nine seeded holes and banana holes. Others include incorporation of cover crops in the farming system and mulching of soils.
To preserve and conserve the environment, different interventions are used, including construction of contours, soil cover, agroforestry, use of energy-saving cooking methods and fireless cookers. The returning of carbon into the soil through use of farmyard manure, compost and crop remains is practiced by farmers.
Soil health management: soil health is the capacity of the soil to sustain productivity, maintain environmental quality, and promote plant and animal health. Soil health is the foundation of the food production system, both in livestock and crop-based systems. We engage farmers to improve and maintain soil health by increasing the carbon pool in the soil (which also addresses climate change) by using organic soil additions, including farmyard manure, boma compost, biochar compost, intercropping with leguminous plants, soil cover, minimum tillage, enhancing macro and microfauna in the soil, soil water conservation, including agroforestry, and soil testing, among others.
Most small-scale farmers do not access credit from financial institutions due to various reasons, including a lack of collateral to secure the loans. On the other side, some farmers do not have a culture of saving money. The essence of microfinance within rural communities is to inculcate a saving culture, build up investment capital, and improve safety nets for rural households. In this respect, RECODA works with small-scale farmers to accumulate cash for investment and for other basic needs. This intervention is combined with capacity building and facilitation to produce and earn cash, which can be saved.
Farmers are trained by the Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA), and they start saving and accessing loans. At the same time, community-based trainers (CBT) are trained to continue spreading the knowledge to other members of the village.
In order to improve the performance of the different technologies and for the farmers to understand and participate in the verification of interventions, the projects incorporate an element of research. Apart from feeding the farmers with knowledge, it is also used to create and share knowledge with scientists and other actors in the development realm.
Monitoring for action learning is done to ensure a continuous check on the progress of the programs in order to improve performance. Through the involvement of the project participants, the monitoring responds to community needs, including adjustments where necessary to enhance the delivery of results.
Using the RIPAT manual, the quality control (QC) sessions are carried out periodically using the open data kit (ODK) tool for data collection. The QC sessions help to ascertain that the project is on track and is following the milestones set over the project period.
This is a department that caters to the capacity needs of different stakeholders and project participants.
RECODA has qualified consultants who undertake consultancies at all stages of the project cycle (design, implementation, evaluation, and impact assessment). Other consultancies include capacity building of trainers (ToT) and lead farmers (LFs) on different aspects, including poultry, pigs, dairy goats, conservation agriculture, agroecology, nutrition, post-harvest management, and marketing, among others. Building the capacity of partners who are interested in the RIPAT approach is also done. Policy analysis and advocacy are undertaken for policymakers to take action in creating a conducive environment for safeguarding and/or facilitating various development initiatives.
Programs (led by Programme Leader - PL)
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Hosts all projects which encompasses these themes: Community Economic Development; Food and Nutritional Security; and Environment, Climate Change and Agroecology
RECODA Academy: Capacity building of different stakeholders – Farmer groups, Lead farmers, Extension Officers, Leaders, Farmer Associations and Project staff from different organizations etc
Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality control
RECODA implements community economic development projects in the area of agriculture, environmental conservation, climate change and livestock. The projects are geared towards income improvement, food and nutrition security while sustainable conserving the environment amidst climate change. The farmers are exposed to value chains of different commodities depending on their area.
Research and Publication (led by Research Coordinator - RC)
⦁ Publication
⦁ Consultancy
Through this department, data is collected from new (baseline) and ongoing RIPAT projects in order to analyze and quantify the project performance while at the same time, producing publications from the work done. The research results are also used in advocacy and writing policy briefs.
The department oversees the consultancy work that is undertaken for resource mobilization.
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