What we do
Economic Development
RECODA works with small scale farmers to promote improved livelihoods and increased resilience.
What is the challenge? …
Most small-scale farmers do not access credit from financial institutions due to various reasons, including a lack of collateral to secure the loans. On the other side, some farmers do not have a culture of saving money.
Food and Nutritional security
RECODA applies the definition by the World Food Summit in 1996: “Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient….
Research and Publication
In order to improve the performance of the different technologies and for the farmers to understand and participate in the verification of interventions, the projects incorporate an element of research. Apart from feeding the farmers with knowledge, it is also used to create and share knowledge with scientists and other actors in the development realm.
Environment, Climate Change and Agroecology
Agroecology knowledge and how it supports rehabilitation and rejuvenation of the environment, including farmlands, is crucial in dealing with climate change and the environment.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) and Quality Control (QC)
Monitoring for action learning is done to ensure a continuous check on the progress of the programs in order to improve performance. Through the involvement of the project participants, the monitoring responds to community needs, including adjustments where necessary to enhance the delivery of results.
Using the RIPAT manual, the quality control (QC) sessions are carried out periodically using the open data kit (ODK) tool for data collection. The QC sessions help to ascertain that the project is on track and is following the milestones set over the project period.
RECODA Academy
This is a department that caters to the capacity needs of different stakeholders and project participants.
RECODA has qualified consultants who undertake consultancies at all stages of the project cycle (design, implementation, evaluation, and impact assessment). Other consultancies include capacity building of trainers (ToT) and lead farmers (LFs) on different aspects, including poultry, pigs, dairy goats, conservation agriculture, agroecology, nutrition, post-harvest management, and marketing, among others. Building the capacity of partners who are interested in the RIPAT approach is also done. Policy analysis and advocacy are undertaken for policymakers to take action in creating a conducive environment for safeguarding and/or facilitating various development initiatives.