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RECODA works with smallholder farmers to improve their productivity and hence improve their livelihoods and resilience.

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Other Publications

The organization was consulted by FAO in 2007 to undertake a case study on Conservation agriculture in Karatu and Arumeru district. The results were documented in a book called Conservation Agriculture as practised in Tanzania: three case studies – www.fao.org/ag/ca/doc/Tanzania_casestudy.pd
Through implementing her projects, RECODA participated in the documentation of the Conservation Agriculture manual for farmers and extension workers in Africa, published 2005 by the international Institute of Rural Reconstruction and the African Conservation Tillage Network


Banerjee, A. and Duflo, E. (2011) Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty, Public Affairs, New York.
Lilleør, H.B. and Lund-Sørensen, U. (eds).Farmers’ Choice – Evaluating an approach to agricultural technology adoption in Tanzania Practical Action Publishing, 2013. 168p.
Vesterager, J.M., Ringo, D., Maguzu, C. W., Ng’ang’a, J.N. (2013) The RIPAT manual – Rural Initiatives for Participatory Agricultural Transformation, Copenhagen: The Rockwool Foundation, Denmark. 142p.

The RIPAT Manual: Rural Initiatives for Participatory Agricultural Transformation

By Jens M. Vesterager, D Ringo, C.W Maguzu and J.N Ng’ang’a

Graduate Course

RECODA Academy (RA) targets providing training in rural economic development facilitation skills so that other stakeholders establish and/or implement RIPAT projects.