Research and Publications
RECODA works with smallholder farmers to improve their productivity and hence improve their livelihoods and resilience.
On the Action Research, RECODA works together with the farmers in order to build their capacity to make informed decision based on what they see on their farms. This builds their capacity to collect simple data, analyze, interpret and make decisions. This is largely based on the technologies that the farmers are implementing in their area, and it works to compare different technologies of production. Through the group plots (on farm research or trials), the different technologies are compared, and throughout the season, farmers learn, collect data, analyze the observations and data and make decisions based on the discussions of the results.
Socio-economic research/study
On socio-economic research, RECODA works with researchers from different institutions to undertake research based on the farmers outcomes. These include researchers from universities, research institutions, university students and other research fellows. The outcomes of these research are publications in different forms, including papers, articles, policy briefs, and books.
The following are the references to some of the authors and other publications that RECODA and her research and development partners have undertaken:
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Humphrey C, Respikius M, and Mabebe N (2023). Factors influencing the adoption of improved groundnut cultivars amongst smallholder farmers in…
The role of FRN principles in influencing farmers adoption of improved groundnut cultivars in Singida rural district of central Tanzania…
Rutatina, J. F., & Urassa, J. K (2023). Gender Disparities in the Adoption of Drought Tolerant Legumes a Case of…
Urassa J.K, Matee, A.Z, Malisa, E.T, Ringo, D.R, & Ng’ang’a J.N. (Eds) 2023. Rural Initiates for Participatory Agricultural Transformation (RIPAT)…
Ringo, D.E., Urassa, J.K., and Malisa E.T. (2022) Agricultural practices for rural development and environmental conservation under Chagga home garden production systems:…
Tarmo T., Danstun G.M., and Paul J.N (2019). Physical Quality of Pigeon Pea Seeds used by Farmers and Related Production…
Theophil T., Danstun G.M., and Paul J. N. (2019). Physical quality of pigeon pea seeds used by farmers and related…
RECODA (2019) Annual RECODA (Research, Community and Organizational Development Associates) report, Arusha. 52pp
Tarmo, T., Msuya, D.G. and Njau, Paul. J (2018). Fungi associated with pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp] seeds in…